"Encounter With God..."

July 28-30, 2023

be part of our summer camp

Register for the summer camp and be part of the Youth & Young Adults family.

Join us at

Wilderness Ridge Retreat Center 1259 Swann Beatty Rd, Camden, OH 45311

PAY VIA ZELLE $150 per person




Team Building Activities + Lots of Fun

A time to network, socialize and build friendships. So many fun activities indoors and outdoors led by our team of life coaches and advisors.

Character Development

This is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and how to keep growing and be the best version of yourself that God intends you to be. Realize that inspiration that can drive you to pursue your goals. .

Spiritual Enrichment

Come and have a personal encounter with God, hear a worthy timely word and be refreshed by the HolySpirit for a new revival.

About US Emerging Generation

Forward In Faith USA Youth & Young Adults ministry, was founded by Apostle E.H Guti with a special focus to empower young people in the kingdom of God so that they may minister and preach Jesus to their peers. The vision is to empower the whole individual by encouraging a God-fearing character that promotes growth, personal development and inspires young people to have clarity of vision to live life on purpose leading them to be the person God intended them to be (Fear Not, Sin Not).


Youth & young adults National Committee

Our National Youth Directors

Pastors Salem and Nia Muchiuro both grew up in FIFMI, they have a burden to develop a whole individual who can become an embodiment of the Kingdom of God. They believe that the Kingdom of God is a full package, therefore an individual’s life should continue to improve. they believe that the youth and young adults should continue reaching for greatness guided by clarity of purpose and vision.

Join Us

register here


Forward in Faith USA established in 2002 in Phoenix Arizona by Apostle Dr. Ezekiel H. Guti is part of a big international family Forward in Faith Ministries International (FIFMI) founded in Zimbabwe in 1960 and is in more than 160 States and nations.

After having received the call of God through countless supernatural encounters from a young age, Ezekiel Guti served God tirelessly, preaching the gospel with signs and wonders following for the past 75 years.

He celebrated his 100th  birthday in May 2023 and is still ministering together with his partner in the vineyard and beloved wife, Apostle Eunor Guti. They have a deep burden for the Youths and Young Adults Ministry and in 2022 we had the honor of having them attend our July Youth and Young Adults conference. You can learn more on the FIFMI Global website.

our events

Contact Us

Call: (603) 406 – 8666

1001 North Davis Drive Arlington, TX 76012


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